
Category: Uncategorized

Technology, Automation, Product, Project Management, Finance and Change Management (Fahim Moledina)

Tech Talk Made Simple: Practical Tips for IT Pros to Explain Their Work to Non-Experts

Unlock the potential of your business with tailored solutions from Opti-Syn Consulting. Discover how our expertise in strategic planning, technology solutions, and organizational development can drive your success. Photo by Freepik Tech Talk Made Simple: Practical Tips for IT Pros to Explain Their Work to Non-Experts As an IT professional, you often need to explain…
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Fahim Moledina crypto

Fixing the Root Cause- It’s a Mindset

I have two shedding dogs and my wife hates the fur in the house, but instead of brushing them (which I do regularly), she will vacuum. In many cases when there is consistent fur or shedding season she will vacuum, and two days later there is fur everywhere. What I started to realize is fixing…
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fahimmoledina-service design

Service Design and Execution

I have been involved in many industries where service to a client or customer is the most important item for success. But in many cases getting the client a proper solution has multiple steps and handoffs and with the need in many cases to be high touch and also to provide solutions rapidly defined processes…
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The Critical Role of Communication in Agile Project Management

Was happy to give my input on an article: Communication is the key to collaboration and in many cases, customers are looking for solutions that meet their needs in a timely manner. Under conventional project management, it may be difficult to identify these risks quickly before they affect the project. However, with agile management, there…
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Sharing Thoughts on Collaboration and Innovation (Fahim Moledina)

Checkout my recent interview: [Interview] Fahim Moledina, Edmonton Executive Shares Strategy For Collaboration And Innovation I was really excited to provide some insight into my current role as well. Regards, Fahim Moledina

teaching robot

Managing Change in the Education System (Post Covid-19)- Fahim Moledina

I just finished reading a small article online about how Covid-19 has been driving changes to modernization in the education system. Which is below: I also wrote a little on this before: Re-Inventing the Post-Secondary My last role before consulting was helping to modernize and align strategies in a department within a post-secondary institute (psi).…
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Classroom tech- Fahim Moledina CPA

Bootcamps, Self-Learning or Post-Secondary?

I wrote in the past on the value of post-secondary education and its need to adapt here. I also wrote on traditional examinations within the context of the CPA exam failures recently on testing there programs and usability. I was asked by somebody than where do I see things going in regards to education and…
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Fahim Moledina | Coding

Data Science – Growth, Opportunities and the Future

Data is arguably the most valuable resource in the world. With all this data collection how are individuals, companies and society and myself prepared (to catch-up)?

Diversity 2 - Fahim Moledina

Diversity in the Workplace- Lessons from Don Cherry II

What can we learn from recent comments Don Cherry and Jess Allen have made in regards to brand and reputation

Fahim Ekbal Moledina

Slowing Down to Speed Up- Fahim Moledina

Agile journeys can be complicated. Change management becomes important and often it is important to slow down before accelerating.